Carbon Emissions Calculator

Here you can see how much CO2 your plant produce

The CO2 Emissions Calculator is a simple web-based tool designed for professionals in the steel industry, researchers, and environmental enthusiasts. It allows users to estimate carbon dioxide emissions associated with various stages of steelmaking. Whether you’re optimizing processes or making informed decisions, this calculator can provide valuable insights.

To use the calculator, simply fill the form for each component of the route. Also you have to specify how much of the input for the EAF comes from the scrap yard and what percentage of it comes from the DRI plant. If any of of these components are not present in your plant, just leave the fields empty.

You will find total emissions (scope 1 & 2) in the yellow box at the bottom of this page. Have fun using the calculator!

CO2 Emissions Calculator
Sample Image

National Electricity / CO2 Factor

Input Mix


EAF Icon
Yearly Electrical Energy Consumption of Unit: 0 CO2 Output Scope 1: 0 CO2 Output Scope 2: 0

DRI Plant

DRI Plant Icon
Output: 0 Yearly Electrical Energy Consumption of Unit: 0 CO2 Output Scope 1: 0 CO2 Output Scope 2: 0

Scrap Yard

Scrap Yard Icon
Output: 0 Yearly Electrical Energy Consumption of Unit: 0 CO2 Output Scope 1: 0 CO2 Output Scope 2: 0


Pelletizing Icon
Output: 0 Yearly Electrical Energy Consumption of Unit: 0 CO2 Output Scope 1: 0 CO2 Output Scope 2: 0

Final CO2 Output

CO2 Output (mtpy) - Scope 1: 0 CO2 Output (mtpy) - Scope 2: 0