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The chief greeting to greening mine and steel(C2G)

First meeting

in the operational beginning of mine and green industry path,on Sunday, 22 Khordad 1401,the first brainstorming event of “ chiefs greeting to greening mine and steel” was held accompanying interested parties and authorities of mine and steel industry and academics.
In this meeting,the managerial and expert opinions regarding to “why to reduce carbon emissions in the steel production process to zero” were discussed and the challenges of implementation were examined.
In the first section and in 3 parts, more than 60 senior and industrial managers from 30 mining and industrial companies were familiarised with the golbal movements towards green mine and steel and the necessity of the path and furthermore,a summary of published articles were presented to them.

In the second part ,two senior managers share their experience on reducing carbon emission and increasing the productivity.

In the third part, a presentation was given by Sharif University of Technology (ranked first in the technical and engineering field) regarding the direction of the world and how to be on this path.

In the forth part ,a free discussion about how to enter this area of science and technology was held between senior managers. Summarizing the points of view of this consensus, while emphasizing and confirming the need to move towards sustainable development and achieving green mining and steel, forming a non-governmental platform with the cooperation of major industries and universities, in order to align and integrate movements towards this important , have been. It was also decided that in the first phase, a temporary office should be created and related measures and policies should be put on its agenda in line with the development of this platform in a period of six months and the coordination of future meetings on a quarterly basis.

Furthermore, the relevant office under a platform has been registered as a non-governmental organization under the title of “Strategic Institute for Mining and Green Steel”, and one of its tasks is to plan for the occurrence of this series of forum with the presence of international experts in The field of strategy formulation and national experts is in line with the formulation of the road map of this movement.

Second meeting

On 24th of mehr,1401,the second event of “ chiefs greeting to greening mine and steel” was held accompanying more than 150 CEOs and research and development managers and more than 50 manufacturers in the field of  mine and steel.

The aim of this meeting was to develop an strategy for Iran in the field of green mine and steel as a tenth manufacturer worldwide.

In this event, international operational experiences were used by international and university researchers, and in line with the formulation of the strategy, a pact was signed, and the unveiling of the statue and the first specialized publication on green mining and  steel took place.

In this conference, it was decided that the Strategic Institute of Green Mine & Steel will implement its actions by creating research and development networks of the mentioned companies in 4 areas.
These four areas include increasing energy efficiency, increasing the efficiency of production processes, carbon absorption and hydrogen-based steel production.

experts would formulate integrated operations in these 4 areas by sharing their own experience and first ranked university researches which a sample of those are being run as industrial pilot.

Teaser of the video was uploaded in ∑s blog.click   here  to watch the video.

Networking and Monitoring

The Strategic Institute of Mining and Green Steel has tried to create a knowledge cycle in the field of mining and green steel by identifying the stakeholders and industrial and regulatory stakeholders on the one hand, and experts and scientists and thinkers and academic and industrial experts on the other hand. 

In the first phase, by identifying more than 200 influential and opinionated members, it has succeeded in turning green steel literature into common literature among them.

Among the actions planned and carried out in this section, the following can be mentioned:

  • Holding seminars and brainstorming sessions
  • Creation of national specialized groups in the field of increasing energy efficiency, production efficiency, carbon absorption, hydrogen production processes and regular information exchange meetings for a week among them.
  • Holding weekly steering committee meetings and developing strategy
  • Publish the implemented operational measures and their results, monitor knowledge, direction and current technology and translate articles and clips into Farsi and publish them publicly and send them exclusively to influential people.
  •  Publication of the first specialized magazine on  green mine and steel
  • Establishing a relationship with Iran’s first-ranked universities and developing the STI system for the convergence of academic research
  • Compilation of two operating charters in this area and getting them signed
  • Communicating and receiving research projects from universities and grounding the implementation of pilot and industrial projects
  •  Iran’s Green Face Award for  green min and steel

Click  here  to watch the video.

Also, this institution is planning to create international connections and expand this knowledge cycle in the  international field.

Executive and operational actions

The Strategic Institute of Mining and Green Steel has change final things to industrial pilots with the help of experts and takes the necessary actions in order to make it operational. In less time than the beginning of its activity, it has succeeded in starting its first operational plan in one of the largest DRI factories in Iran.

Among the actions planned and carried out in this section, the following can be mentioned:

  • execute the industrial pilot in Implementation of NE3W energy efficiency, environmental and water efficiency technology in Gol Gohar Iron and Steel Development Company

Agreements of senior managers of green mine and steel

In line with the realization of its goals, Sigmas has signed 2 agreements with the senior managers of green Mining and Steel, on the basis of which it is responsible for following up its implementation.

Publication of technical green mine and steel magazine

This magazine is published with the aim of creating culture and direction in order to achieve the goals of the Green Mining and Steel Institute by publishing scientific articles and operational actions.